----------------------------------- Online Squadron Collection v2 License Agreement ----------------------------------- Online Squadron Collection v2 ©2012 by Sakis Gkiokas (sakgiok@hotmail.com) This software is FREEWARE. No payment is required to obtain this software (if you paid for this software you should ask for a full refund). You are FREE to use and distribute this software, provided that this License Agreement is kept with it and the creator's name is maintained unchanged. No modification is allowed to the core program files but any file produced by this software is considered to be copyright of the user that produced it. No warranty is given for using this program. In case of data loss or any other software or hardware failures, the software creator CAN NOT be held responsible. Maximum effort and beta testing was provided though to minimize failure chances. Using the software results in instantly accepting the above License Agreement. In case you don't want to accept it, please uninstall the software. Sakis "Monster" Gkiokas