OSC Changelog
- All Components: Added BMS 4.35 compatibility.
- F4AWACS: Fixed some bugs that may crash the program.
- SQSERVER: Fixed some bugs that may crash the program.
- All Components: Added BMS 4.34 compatibility.
- F4AWACS: Fixed a bug with tape playback that could crash the program.
- All Components: Added BMS 4.33U1 compatibility.
- F4AWACS: Fixed a bug with importing airports (in the FREQ Window) from cam files.
- All Components: Added BMS 4.33 compatibility.
- F4AWACS: New recording file format supporting smaller file sizes (loading old format is supported as well).
- F4AWACS: Theaters are loaded directly from “Theaters” folder when program starts. If you are given some theater files (ini, gif and dat files) you can put them in the Theaters folder.
- SQSERVER: Fixed some bugs in Setup Details Form.
- MSTRUPDTR: Fixed a bug with the update proccess.
- F4AWACS: Fixed a bug with speed vectors.
- F4AWACS: Fixed a bug with importing objectives show up in different folder.
- F4AWACS: Fixed a bug importing objectives from cam files (and cam saves as well).
- F4AWACS: Added an option to export objective graphics.
- F4AWACS: Added an option to color importing objectives according to Team.
- SQSERVER: Fixed a bug while trying to see a player's error list.
- F4AWACS: Fixed a bug that Real Player plots were sometimes garmbled.
- AISPY: Attended to a bug that not all AI plots were visible (don't know if it's fixed).
- F4AWACS: Improved the Import objective function, to disregard some not essential lines.
- AISPY: Fixed a runtime error 9 when trying to get data from Falcon.
- All programs: Added an auto update option.
- MstrUpdr: Added an offline update option.
Original released version of OSC.
Old version that is obsolete.