Objective Lab Window

This window is used to open a tac file and display it on the Theater Window, or to edit it by adding, deleting and changing the objectives.

TipIf you double click an entry of the above list, you'll get the Objective Details Window for this objective, where you can edit it. If you right click on an entry, you'll get a pop-up menu with some of the options explained below.
TipClicking on any Column Header of the list of objectives, results in sorting the list acording the values of the selected column.

By checking this option all the objectives will be displayed on the Theater Window. The Options button allows you to bring up the following window.

Here you can specify some options for displaying the objectives and their features:

  • Show OBJ Name: Check if you want to see a label with the Objective's name on each objective.
  • Highlighted: Check if you want the above label to be highlighted. Clicking on the colored button will bring up a color selection window, allowing you to select the highlight color to be used.
  • Show OBJ icon: Check if you want an icon to be displayed on the tile that the objective is positioned on. The icon will change according to the type of the objective.
  • Draw Feature Outline : Check if you want an outline to be drawn around every feature of every objective. The info for the outline is coming from the parent's Max and Min Hitbox values, so this is not an accurate representation of the feature (but close enough if the Hitboxes are correct). Clicking on the colored button allows you to change the color of this outline, where changing the textbox value, allows you to change the outline's width (in pixels).
  • Show Feature Position : Check if you want a filled circle to be drawn to every feature's position for every objective. The radius and the color of this circle is defined by changing the textbox and clicking on the colored button.

You can load or save a tac file by using these two buttons. The Save button is activated when a tac file is loaded. When you load a tac file which does not contain any objectives, a warning will be shown and many other features of the program (relevant to objectives) will not be active. Keep in mind that this tool is optimized for te_new.tac files that contain all the theater's objectives.

TipIf you press Shift button the Save caption will change to Save As.., allowing you to save the loaded tac file as a different one.

Pressing this button changes the view in Theater Window to display the highlighted objective. This can also be done by right clicking the highlighted objective and selecting Goto Selected.

In this section you can import or export objectives in/from the tac file. The format for both import and export is Comma Separated Values (CSV) which can be edited with notepad (or any other text editor program) or Microsoft Excel (or most of the spreadsheet applications). Be careful about duplicate ID's and Parent ID's. If during Import a duplicate is found, the program will inform you offering to change it to a valid one automatically. The problem here is that parent and links entries will not be updated.

With Delete Checked you can delete all checked objectives from the list. No update on any parent or links records will be made to other objectives. With Append New you can add a new objective. The data for this new objective come from the Default Objective record. This is saved in the file DefObj.bin in your program's folder and can be edited with the Edit Default Objective button (see below). You need to have a valid OCD saved in the Default Objective otherwise, a warning will be displayed.

Clicking on this button you will get a report about potential problems with your objectives. The areas of this check are:

  • Duplicate IDs.
  • Duplicate Campaign IDs.
  • Non-existent Parent IDs.
  • Non-existent Links.
  • Invalid positions.

Clicking on Edit Default Objective opens a window where you can edit the entry that will be used when adding new objectives. With the other two buttons, you can edit the theater and default strings for the opened theater. The filenames for these actions are Default.idx, Default.wch, <theater-name>.idx and <theater-name.wch> and all of them are located in the <campaign> folder. When editing any of the two strings type, a Theater Strings Window will be displayed.

manuals/terraineditor/reference/temain/objective_lab_window.txt ยท Last modified: 18/08/2023 17:18 by
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