TerrainEditor ChangeLog
[v3.7.0] (24/08/2019)
- Bug Fix: Added a dropdown to specify BMS version when manually opening theater.
[v3.6.9] (21/08/2019)
- New Feature: Added BMS 4.34 support.
- Bug Fix: Changed Alt+Z shortcut in 3d Editor to Alt+B to de-conflict GeForce drivers shortcut.
[v3.6.8] (07/09/2018)
- New Feature: Added a counter in theater and default string editor to ensure that the character limits (from the code) are not exceeded.
- Bug Fix: Fixed some bugs with the Import - Export functions.
- Bug Fix: Fixed an issue preventing loading a tac when airbases extent beyond the boundaries of the map.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that the temporary files during L2 save, are not deleted, even if the option is selected, when a custom tileset is set in Falcon BMS.
[v3.6.7] (15/05/2016)
- New Feature: Added BMS 4.33 U1 support.
- New Feature: A standalone updater is included, in case updating through TerrainEditor is not possible.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug and now you can save a station and ils dat file, even if none was loaded before.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug for loading theaters using the default (Korea) folders (when no folders are defined in tdf file - 4.33 feature).
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that occured when saving preferences while exiting the program.
[v3.6.6] (14/12/2015)
- New Feature: BMS 4.33 is supported in theater selection.
- Bug Fix: Various fixes were made to ensure that if a theater file is not found, the default (korea) will be loaded.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug when an objective takes the name from its parent.
[v3.6.5] (14/10/2015)
- New Feature: Added a function to check dds images for problems (BINEditor under File tools).
- Bug Fix: Fixed the bug when an invalid dds is loaded, it will reported to debug and not crash the program.
[v3.6.4] (09/10/2015)
- New Feature: Added an option to report or not missing tiles when loading the theater (Day or Night). “BadDDS.txt” in program folder is saved regardless the state of this option.
- New Feature: Added visual placeholders for missing Night Tiles and Empty Tiles.
- Bug Fix: Fixed the bug that crashes the program when hovering the mouse over a tile in BINEditor during exiting.
- Bug Fix: Fixed the bug that crashes the program when no Night Tiles are present.
[v3.6.3] (04/10/2015)
- Bug Fix: Fixed the bug that crashes the program when objectives are shown with the Highlight Label Option.
[v3.6.2] (03/10/2015)
- New Feature: Arrow keys control map scroll (Shift is used for large scroll change)
- New Feature: Sea tiles in Theater Preview Window is set by tile transparency.
- New Feature: Added country in Stations+ils Theater Reference export.
- Bug Fix: Fixed the bug when new FEF file is created the program crashes.
- Bug Fix: Refreshing Theater Window is made faster on some occasions.
- Bug Fix: If Show Map option is not defined in the ini it defalults to true.
- ModTerrain and MakeTerrain updated to their latest version.
[v3.6.1] (05/09/2015)
- New Feature: Added the ability to have custom names for FEF area entries.
- New Feature: Added an option to toggle visibility of tiles in Theater Window.
- New Feature: Parents are now visible in Theater Window and an Edit Parent mode was added (works like Edit Links mode).
- New Feature: Parents and links can be displayed as arrows in Theater Window.
- New Feature: Parents and links can be displayed in Theater Preview Window as well and saved in a bitmap.
- New Feature: Added a “Check - Un-check Objective in List” entry in right-click menu of Theater Window.
- New Feature: Added Parent entry in Objective Tooltip of Theater Window.
- New Feature: Added Parent record in MultiEdit Objectives Window.
- New Feature: Objective Icon size can be set in the options of Objective Lab.
- New Feature: Stations+ils Editor recognizes Nav Beacon types.
- Bug Fix: Refreshing Theater Window is made faster on some occasions.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a Runtime 9 error when opening a FEF file with some blank records.
- Bug Fix: Fixed the bug that Objective list Owner entry wasn't updated after a Multi edit.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a situation with Station+ILS tool where it could CTD if objrctives were deleted, append or changed at Objective Lab Window.
[v3.6.0] (05/04/2015)
- New Feature: Theater Preview saves bitmap with coordinates when they are displayed.
- New Feature: The default width of a path in BINEditor can be specified.
- New Feature: Import/Export functions for Areas and Paths in BINEditor.
- Bug Fix: X/Y values corrected in tile error output file.
- Bug Fix: If no 3ddatadir is defined in theater definition file, it defaults to objectdir.
[v3.5.9] (25/09/2014)
- Bug Fix: Fixed error #6 when loading certain cam or tac files.
[v3.5.8] (14/09/2014)
- New Feature: An extra command for exporting Airport data in Stations and ILS tool was added. It is named “Export Airport Reference” and contains a lot of information for reference documentation builders.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug when changing the OCD ID in Objective Lab made the tac file unusable.
[v3.5.7] (20/02/2014)
- New Feature: Terrain resize/create tool.
- New Feature: Auto delete auto-generated BMS terrain files on L2 Save option added.
- Bug Fix: Make THR command remembers last filename used.
[v3.5.6] (07/12/2013)
- T3DView: Refined the feature placement method (computing their elevation). Should be close to what Falcon uses.
- New Feature: New naming options for Tile Lab. You can use the existing day or night tile naming or a custom one.
- New Feature: You can choose to use (or not) the existing Map tile as background in Tile Lab, when the image you're using is transparent. If you're not using existing tiles, black will be used.
- New Feature: Added controls to decrease the size of the image in Tile Lab.
- New Feature: Added option to calculate the given transparency when making tiles in Tile Lab.
- Bug Fix: Sometimes after inserting multiple tiles in BINEditor, an error occured.
- Bug Fix: When inserting multiple tiles (or a set) in BINEditor, the tiles are sorted correctly.
- New Feature: You can change the elevation (L0 or L2) in the Elevation Lab and the created L0 elevation from L2, by multiplying all values by a factor. You can create condition which factor will be used.
- New Feature: 3D objectives in T3DView. Visible when Objectives are visible in Terrain Map Window.
- Small bug fixes.
- New Feature: When pressing the “3d Terrain” button in TerrainEditor, while T3DView is open, the terrain elevation and tiling is updated in 3d view.
- New Feature: T3DView now displays night lights on tiles when lighting decreases enough.
- T3DView: Auto Terrain system (BMS/Falcon4) depending on the terrain opened in TerrainEditor.
- T3DView: Smoother changes for Light and elevation changes.
- New features: 3D Terrain View was completely rewritten allowing direct edit of Elevations in 3D and a HUD.
- Bug Fix: Custom image in Theater Preview Window should have full resolution now.
- New feature: Added different formats for coordinates display.
- New feature: Added a coordinate grid overlay both on Theater Preview and Terrain Map Windows.
- New feature: Added coordinates display when moving mouse cursor (for both Terrain Map Window and Theater Preview Window).
- Added a temporary workaround for 3D Terrain to display the tiles correctly (as precise as possible for now).
- Memory optimization for Theater Preview Window.
- New version of ModTerrain (v1.3.2) and MakeTerrain (v1.3.1) included.
- Fixed a bug when pressing Ramp Elevation didn't trigger the Save button to activate.
- New feature: Area in Elevation Lab for Area Elevation can be defined by clicking two points. Additionally, you can select to apply a relative value instead of an absolute one (positive or negative), you can select if a mean height value of the area will be automatically filled in the box and the selected area is shown in Theater Preview Window.
- All textboxes in Elevation Lab now accept negative values.
- New feature: Added a “Not used” tile list in BIN Editor.
- New feature: Added some commands to manipulate DDS files (copy and delete them) in BIN Editor.
- New feature: Added an option to move objectives by some values relative to their current position (in Obj Lab, Multi edit checked).
- New feature: Added an option to create a L0 elevation file (*.elv) from the loaded L2 file.
- New feature: Elevation Lab: Added a Ramp tool to create slopes by selecting many individual tiles.
- New feature: Added a BIN Optimization method (in BIN Editor), which packs all tiles in just enough sets.
- New feature: Added Alpha channel overlay (Mask Overlay) to the Main Window.
- New feature: Added an option to display the elevation in Main Theater Window in meters as well.
- Fixed a bug in Objective Lab, when loading a tac without having proper Theater String files.
- Updated FreeImage to version 3.15.3
- Fixed a bug, that program crashed when adding more than 2048 sets.
- New feature: Campaign String editor in Objective Lab.
- Added PgUp and PgDn keypresses to navigate through tiles in BIN Editor's “Edit Tile” Window.
- “Edit Tile” window now starts on the top of the screen.
- “Edit Tile” window has an option for gridlines at the middle of the tile.
- Items check count was added to Search Result Window and Replace Block Window lists.
- Fixed some bugs in Replace Block Tool.
- Import BIN now reports the correct line number if an error occurs.
- Added a “Check Highlighted” right click menu at Result List of Block Replacer.
- New Feature: Edit multiple objective at once in Objective Lab.
- Fixed the bug where the headers of the objective list were hidden.
- Objective Lab Window remembers last state (visible or hidden).
- Fixed a bug in Stations and ILS Window where the needs save status didn't change even after a successful save.
- Improved resolution for custom image in Theater Preview Window.
- Tile Palette is updated immediately with changes in tiles in BIN Editor.
- Two proposed values were added next to the spotted field in Objective details. Setting the first value in the spotted field indicates that the objective is spotted and setting the second value indicates the objective is identified as well. These values are derived from the team the objective belongs to.
- New feature: Added the ability to display a custom image in Theater Preview Window.
- More image formats were added as an open image option in Tile Lab window.
- Fixed the bug in Tile Lab window where extra tiles were exported when they shouldn't.
- Minor bug fixes in BINEditor.
- The Objectives Lab Window's layout is changed to allow future modifications.
- The size of tile images in BIN Editor can be adjusted in Options.
- Tile size option of Theater Preview Window increased up to 1024 (Use with caution and small grid sizes only, e.g. 2×2 as it might crash)
- Some small changes were made to Theater Preview Window to make it a little faster.
- Replacer “Replace every…” values accepts now any value.
- Fixed a bug occurred during startup when no BMS installation was present.
- Corrected the blank night tiles thing in BINEditor (again).
- Added Feature: Station and ILS editor. It was made on a BMS/OF setup so I need feedback for FF/AF installs (possible errors).
- Corrected a bug when importing tiles in BINEditor (blank night tiles).
- Corrected a bug when replacing tiles in BINEditor (DDS instead of pcx extension).
- Added the option to change the tile name in BINEditor.
- Replacer “Replace every…” values updated up to 20.
- Worked on a bug, occurring when creating DDS files.
- Added Feature: Ability to directly open a dds file with either default editor or with a chosen program (right click on a tile anywhere).
- Support for BMS Theaters.
- Faster display of Tile Palette window.
- New feature: Random Replace Tiles. Replace a specific tile choosing randomly from a group of tiles.
- New Feature: Individual ini files are stored for each theater, containing certain values and used only for these theaters. This is done automatically.
- Various bug fixes.
- Added feature: The areas are automatically sorted now according to their type with the following order: Thin Forest, Thick Forest, Plains, Urban, Rocky, Swamp, Brush, Water. A button to re-order the areas in all tiles was added.
- Added features: The last settings for adding an area or path to a tile is stored.
- Added feature: An option to display or not a confirmation when deleting an area or path.
- Fixed some bugs with the Favorites menu.
- Fixed a bug that occurred when locating the tile in tile palette while split categories enabled.
- Fixed a bug when defining a tile from the tile palette, in Search and replace window, it didn't refresh.
- Added a sanity check during import function to make sure all tiles are present in BIN.
- Added a new option to Tile Palette to break the tile categories in two, depending on the set they belong.
- Added a right click option in Tile Palette to locate the tile in the BIN Editor.
- BIN Editor: Added an option to display the Paths/Areas on the thumbs (accessible from the Options button).
- BIN Editor: Changed the zoom factors in Tile Edit Window for a smoother zoom in/out.
- Fixed some tab order issues.
- When browsing for Master Fartiles in MakeTerrain GUI, the default file type is *.raw instead of *.*.
- After pressing Run in MakeTerrain and ModTerrain GUIs, a warning is displayed, to let you know you might have to reload the theater.
- When inserting a tile or a set in BIN editor, it copies M and L tiles as well (if they exist) from the source folder.
- Some windows got a minimize button.
- Added a different sorting algorithm to Search Results, BIN and Objective Lab lists.
- Save and Close buttons in Objective details have different colors.
- Better problem checking for Objectives.
- Auto fix non bidirectional links, either by deleting or adding the missing links.
- When adding a link through the Theater Window, you can now set the values manually.
- Added a fancy text scroller on the initial window.
- Fixed a bug in reading tile names from texture.bin.
- Added Feature: Ability to Export and Import again the entire bin file as text.
- Added Feature: Option when adding a link to automatically insert the opposite link.
- CT# and OCDID were added to the objective list.
- Open tac function in Objective Lab, now starts in the theater's campaign folder.
- Default value for Min_Normal_Value for AF is changed to 61.
- Added right click option to ModTerrain's GUI for the checboxes.
- Various Bugfixes.
- MakeTerrain v1.0.5 with bugfixes.
- Search Results List now include Elevation data and can be sorted.
- Search parameters handle negative values correctly (for elevations).
- Added MinPhi Value for ModTerrain and MakeTerrain. Fixed AF Normal Calculation.
- Added Feature: A Ruler for measuring Bearing/Range.
- Added Feature: Ability to export the list of tiles in BIN Editor.
- Added Feature: A “favorite”-like, organization system for program's settings.
- MakeTerrain and ModTerrain support normal calculation for AF.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Bugfix version.
- Added 'NOFAR' option in MakeTerrain.exe.
- Added Feature: Ability to open and save tac/cam files for AF.
- Fixed a bug that TAC details Window may crash when editing an objective.
- Fixed bug with Team names may display incorrectly.
- Added Feature: Ability to display only checked objectives.
- Added Feature: Objective Links can be visible and be edited.
- Added Feature: Relocation for Objectives by right-clicking on it on the Theater Window.
- Added Feature: Exiting the program when a theater is open, the startup window is displayed again to open another theater.
- Various bug fixes.
- Added Feature: Objective outlines are drawn in 3d mode (when visible in Theater Map).
- Added Feature: Tile Factory preview option.
- Fixed the bug with 3D view.
- 3D view uses L0/ELV data when L0/ELV data are shown (don't matter if in L0/ELV mode).
- Bugfix version fixing issues from earlier release.
- Added Feature: Option to display the actual LODs or the Min-Max Parent bounding boxes, when selecting to display the objectives.
- Added Feature: Tile cache feature, enabling the faster reload of Theater Window.
- Tile Palette Window now saves the last Tile Size Value used.
- Features (TDFs) Window added ability to remember last settings.
- Segments now showing in Theater Preview Window as well.
- Fixed a bug in Theater Strings loading and saving. (When the idx file size was ~ >32KB the loading/saving function was wrong).
- ModTerrain and MakeTerrain now include a better elevation function (Weighted Interpolation) as default.
- ModTerrain and MakeTerrain now include a function for adding a fixed elevation file as a parameter, and keep the same areas at the same elevation across LODs. This file can be produced by FEF Window.
- Added Feature: Option to edit a fixed elevation file (FEF).
- Added Feature: Tile replacer function with a lot of features…
- Added Feature: Zoom function in Theater preview window.
- Added Feature: Enhaced Custom Category handling. Move Up/Down and Rename functions added.
- Added Feature: Add to new category option added in right-click menus on tiles/sets.
- Added Feature: Option to display a L0/ELV file in Theater Window, while working on L2.
- Added Feature: Ability to define an offset, horizontally and vertically, to where tdf features are plottted.
- Fixed bug in Objective Lab when saving an empty tac.
- Added more checks to get rid the runtime error when the program starts.
- Fixed bug where areas outlines in Tile Palette Window was too big.
- Tile replacement function is now disabed when Tile Palette Window is closed.
- Missing Areas types where added (Swamp, Plains, Brush, Thin Forest, Rocky ans Urban).
- Added Feature: Areas and Paths transparency option added (only for Theater Window). The first time after upgrade it might be set to 0, so change it in order to display areas and paths in Theater Window.
- Added Feature: Tile Navigation buttons when editing a tile in BIN Editor.
- Areas and Paths in Theater Window no longer overlap adjacent tiles. It's a good thing to have the Areas filled, or some areas bigger than the actual tile, might not be displayed.
- Now when creating fartiles.pal, the correct values are added to the end of the file (MakeTerrain fixed as well).
- The type of the selected theater for opening is displayed on the Starting window.
- Additional support added for FreeFalcon installs. Installed theaters are added automatically in the startup list and Objective Lab Window works as intended.
- Fixed bug with wrong number of features displayed on the map, during tac editing.
- Changed the allowable extensions for elevation files in MakeTerrain GUI Window.
- Added Feature: Constrain Proportions checkbox added to Tile Lab.
- Fixed bug with Tile Lab, where tiles were saved upside down.
- Errors in loading DDS files while opening a theater, are now displayed all together and not one by one.
- Added feature: Create Fartile.pal file.
- Added feature: Open thr command in Theater Preview.
- Changed the way new thr file is saved. Now a filename to be saved as, is needed.
- Fixed bug when thr file was not loaded automatically sometimes.
- Various bug fixes.
[v3.1.1] First Public Release
- Added Feature: Last Custom Categories File is automatic loaded when program starts.
- Added Feature: THR file creation and THR relief display in Theater Preview.
- Added Feature: Custom Categories tiles are always sorted by tile number.
- Fixed bug with ELV file not properly being saved.
- Fixed bug with “Show Readme” not working in some systems.
- Custom zip procedure for update packages (No more 7zip archives).
- Compatibility with Windows Vista/7 and UAC.
- Added Feature: Complete Editor for tac Objectives, Theater and Default Strings (Objective Lab).
- Added Feature: Ability to search in a specified range of tiles.
- Added Feature: Complete Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) for ModTerrain and MakeTerrain utilities.
- New specification of manual folders to open during startup. You MUST have a proper Falcon 4 OF Folder tree with all the correct files in the correct place (even if Falcon doesn't run), in order to open a theater manually. That was done because of the big amount of files that has to be opened.
- Correct export of elevation data in L0/ELV mode.
- Import functions improved, showing rectangular around imported areas and moving the map to the last imported area after accepting the stored coordinates in the export file (both in normal and L0/ELV mode).
- “Enter” keypress while editing X,Y position of the map, activates the GO button.
- Fixed export areas highlight in both normal and L0/ELV mode.
- Fixed Elevation Lab Window bug (when elevation lab window is closed, the apply elevation function, if it was activated, now it deactivates).
- Various fixes and optimizations.
- Added Feature: Tile Factory, the ability to open a DDS image on the map, adjust it and create DDS tiles out of it.
- Added Feature: Elevation Lab Window. Increased functionality to manipulate the tile elevation.
- T3dView: Added Walk/Fly key.
- T3dView: Various visual enhancements.
- Added Feature: 3D View of the current terrain part that is displayed on the map (either in normal mode or L0/Elv mode).
- Tac filename now is displayed as a tooltip when loaded, when hovering the “Show TAC” checkbox.
- When pressing the middle button on a tile, this become the center tile on the map when the number of tiles in a row (or column) is odd, otherwise becomes the upper right one of the four center tile (when even).
- TAC feature now works only with *.tac files.
- Added Feature: Ability to display the position of every feature object in an TAC objective and/or an outline of the actual feature object. Currently the feature object's dimension come from the Parent record in the Falcon DB and not from the actual LOD.
- A warning added if the application path contains some special characters that might prevent the program to work as normal (thanks papaFX).
- Added Feature: Ability to display a TAC file contents. For now it only works with a CSV file. You can produce such a file with the TACEDIT program (While in Objectives view, select Export from the menu).
- Customization of the TAC contents display (Highlighted name and font).
- Extra data displayed on the tooltip if it has TAC data and TAC display is active.
- Added Feature: Ability to copy to clipboard the tile data which are displayed as a tooltip on the map.
- Custom Categories: You can select in which file to save your custom categories, and which file to load each time you are open the program (file extension *.cct).
- Custom Categories added for tile palette. Add tiles to categories by right click directly on the tiles on the Tile Palette, or right click on the BIN Editor (added ability to add whole set).
- Exported Tile files now contain the position where they were exported from. When importing, you will asked if you want to use this position (automatic import) or if you want to specify a new position (as before by clicking on the map).
- Added Filled Area view in BIN Editor→Tile Editor.
- Added New Search button in Main Window
- Added Help button in Search Tiles Window.
- Minor bug fixes.
[v3.0.3 - v3.0.4]
- Minor bug fixes.
- Added Feature: Export and Import elevation data (only while in L0/ELV edit mode) in grayscale BMP format.
- Added Feature: Export and Import Tile data in various formats (*.exp - Only Tile numbers, *.xpe - Tile numbers+Elevation Data, *.xpf - Full tile data).
- Added Feature: Copy-Paste Tiles function, everywhere in Map and Search Criteria Windows (and between them).
- Added Feature: Locate tile in Tile Palette from Map.
- Tile Palette Window enhanced plus Areas/Path support (when Areas/Paths option is enabled in Main Window).
- Enhanced (faster) Load/Save functions for L2/L0 (faster loading times).
- Progress Bar while creating/restoring from restore point.
- Various bug fixes.
- Added Feature: Now you can export tdf files (features) of a specific region (use SHIFT at the main window).
- Added Feature: Enhanced automatic updates.
- Added Feature: Rebuild entire theater capability (including fartiles, and all Lx files).
- Added Feature: Areas/Paths are shown on the main map.
- Added Feature: L0 (or elv file) elevation data edit capability.
- Added Feature: Advanced Search Tiles function and batch processing.
- Added Feature: Create THEATER.MEA file.
- Added Feature: Create *.THR file.
- Added Feature: DDS support (only DDS tiles are loaded).
- Added Feature: Map Screenshot availiable.
- Added Feature: Automatically saving and resizing (to H and M dimensions) for imported DDS images.
- Added Feature: Automatically importing and resizing corresponding Night DDS tiles or creating blank ones if they are not existing.
- Added Feature: Move Set capability.
- Added Feature: When deleting sets/tiles no pictures are actually deleted, you can delete them all with delete unused dds function.
- Added Feature: Adjust Tile Elevation font color per elevation zone (fully customizable)
- New save/save as procedure.
- New zip/unzip engine using 7zip.
[v2.2.0] (not released)
- Added Feature: Theater.map file support (open/save)
- Added Feature: Tile preview with color overlay from map palette.
- Added Feature: Tile preview with night colors overlay.
- Added Feature: Brightness slider
- Added Feature: Right click menu in Editor theater picture. Option to locate tile in BIN Editor or locate palette color in MAP Editor.
- Rearranged interface
- Various bugs fixed.
- No new activation key required.
- Added Feature: Automatic new version check.
- Added Feature: Online documentation.
- Added Feature: Transition between the two interfaces (BIN Editor and Terrain Editor) doesn't require theater reload.
- Added Feature: More options are saved from last program run (including windows positions and tile palette size).
- Various bugs fixed.
- Various speed optimizations.
- No new activation key required.
- Added Feature: “Edit Tiles” interface added for editing “theater.bin” file.
- Added Feature: More options are saved from last program run (including last position in the theater map).
- Added Feature: Position in theater map is directly editable (x,y textboxes added for direct definition of the position in theater).
- Bug Fix: Main Control Window is no longer resizable.
- Various buttons added for future use.
- Various bugs fixed.
- Various speed optimizations.
- No new activation key required.
- Added Feature: ActiveLock licencing functionality added. The program is locked and can be unlocked with an activation code.
- Added Feature: Autodetection of Falcon 4.0 installations on computer with the ability to open a specific theater.
- Added Feature: Tile Palette is resizable in order to fit to each user's screen.
- Various bugs fixed.
- beta version, limited functionality.